Page 190
Posted March 15, 2017 at 12:00 am

Yes, you are all about to find out how he found his raiment (and how he got his keyword).

In some news, I have rebooted my Patreon! I've restructured things a bit and there's new tiers and a pile of new content up for grabs. The biggest change is that my patreon isn't limited to Parallax-related content only anymore, even though it's still the main focal point, and will serve as a way to finance my creative work as a whole.

If you like Parallax, supporting me on Patreon is a great way to help and ensure the future of the comic, so please consider checking it out. Every little dollar helps, and the cool thing is you'll get to see some exclusive behind-the-scenes content in return too. Thanks for reading!

>Support me on Patreon<
